Tower of Terror starts 9/13. Tickets available now here. | Support SLFS here or join the Red Carpet Club here. | Summer Showdown Get tickets now.
We Exhibit, Create, & Preserve Cinematic Experiences.
At SLFS we don’t simply show movies, we consciously create the optimal environment in which everyone who walks through our doors can gain more understanding, more empathy, or more curiosity.
For 20 years SLFS has been creating cinematic moments for our community. Cinematic moments are the experiences our audiences have every day at our venues. They can be moments of insight, when you suddenly understand more about a different place, culture, or world view. Cinematic moments can bring about the feeling of empathy, when your heart, even for a second, opens to what someone else is going through, and you stand in their shoes, remembering that we all have more in common than we have differences.
Our audiences tell us again and again that they experience life-changing cinematic moments every day at our theaters. They tell us that they leave our cinemas with a deeper understanding, and insight into differing points of view, lifestyles, cultures, and landscapes. Their lives have been opened, widened, and changed for the better. By sharing a cinematic moment with others in their community they feel a little less isolated, a little bit more like they belong. As the late Roger Ebert said, “The purpose of civilization and growth is to be able to reach out and empathize a little bit with other people…and the movies are like a machine that generates empathy. They let you understand a little bit more about different hopes, aspirations, dreams and fears.”
Our mission as the premier film establishment of our state is to Exhibit, Create, & Preserve Cinematic Experiences. The primary purpose of our work is to create immersive, transformative, and engaged arts experiences that are accessible to everyone in our community.
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